December Daily De-clutter…

Today starts “December Daily Decluttering” in the Graham house. We have entirely too much stuff & since we have decided to move overseas after we retire, there’s no better time than the present to start downsizing. EVERYTHING!

In order for me to add one more thing to my TO DO list daily, I’ve decided to do something small every day. A cupboard, a drawer or a shelf. Something, no matter what, every day. I am tracking what I do so I can see the progress I am making.  I have an A5 MD Notebook Diary that will serve as my De-Cluttering Planner.  During December, I am tackling the little things that annoy me most, so that I can make it more of a habit and frankly, just get started. I have just finished reading “Atomic Habits” by James Clear and “The Bullet Journal Method” by Ryder Carroll and they both offer this type of solution to creating positive habits.  Small steps help the overall goal.  Getting even 1% better daily can be HUGE!

I will work it in with my 20 minute cleaning every night when I get home from work and hopefully it doesn’t impact my night too horribly. I still have to train, update my books (planner, journal, memory keeper, etc) and hopefully continue to build my side hustle.

Today I got rid of 25+ coffee mugs & random drink ware that we haven’t used in I don’t know how long. I always reach for my Deathwish Coffee mugs and Greg prefers the big Computer Genius type tankards on the 2nd shelf. Up top is some glassware I still want to hang on to for now and random plastic cups I let stay in the house. The rest is already boxed up and in the back of my car to donate to Savers tomorrow after the next round.

In 2019 I plan to follow “The Minimalist Home: A Room-by-Room Guide to a Decluttered, Refocused Life” by Joshua Becker. Hopefully it works out easily enough. I have been doing some research on his theories and processes and I feel like it could work out pretty well for what I want to get done throughout the year. The book comes out on December 18th and I already have it pre-ordered on Amazon Prime.

I am by no means trying to become minimalist per say, but I have a ton of extraneous junk to get rid of and I feel like this may be a better organized method…than say….me sitting in the middle of a big pile of crap, crying like a toddler, with a lighter in my hand.

I’ve already decided no new furniture or major house purchases unless something breaks. I am also going to be doing a first round of clothing purge as I do laundry. Whatever doesn’t fit gets sold, donated or given away to friends.

Here’s hoping the initial purge goes well.

Let me know in the comments if you have a process that you follow for downsizing your ‘stuff’ or if you know of a good blog or you-tube channel that deals with decluttering your stuff.  I would love to check it out!



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